Monday, October 24th
Our Character Counts! at Rio Vista and we Say No to Drugs!--- Wear a color of the Character Counts! pillar…
Kinder: Blue shirt-We are trustworthy to “Say No to Drugs”
First: Green shirt-We are responsible and “Say No to Drugs”
Second: Yellow shirt-We are Respectful to ourselves and others to “Say No to Drugs”
Third: Orange shirt-We are Fair to ourselves and our body to “Say No to Drugs”
Fourth: Red shirt-We care about ourselves and others to “Say No to Drugs”
Fifth: Purple shirt-We are good citizens and “Say No to Drugs”
Tuesday, October 25th- ---Twin Day! Wear something red for caring, blue for trustworthy and purple for citizenship “As true Friends We Team Up Against Drugs”
Wednesday, October 26th- Design Your own T-Shirt!--- “Say NO to
Drugs!/Character Counts!” theme.
Thursday, October 27th-Wear Your Red Shirt and Boots Day!---“We
Show that we Care by Giving Drugs the Boot!”
Friday, October 28th-Wear Your Purple Rio Vista T-Shirt and Sunglasses
Day!---“Too cool to start! We have purple panther