Rio Vista Elementary School Wide Statement of Behavioral Purpose

The intent of PBIS at Rio Vista Elementary School is to foster a positive school culture in which academic success and appropriate behaviors are the expected norm.  This will be accomplished by teaching and promoting school-wide behavior expectations, consistent responses to problem behavior, and use of data to make decisions.
Pay Attention
Act with Character
Words that help, not hurt
Stay Safe


    When students have trouble with reading, we teach.  When students don't know their multiplication tables, we teach. When students struggle with expected behaviors, PBIS gives us the tools to teach.
    Traditional approaches to behavior often respond with punishment or consequences, under the presumption that children should already know how to behave in a positive manner.  Using PBIS,  students are able to earn rewards based on their positive behavior and actions.  Students are more likely to practice correct behaviors if they receive frequent and specific positive feedback. Verbal praise is fine, but without a system in place many of us forget to specifically acknowledge positive behaviors.
   Students can earn PAWS tickets which they can use to enter a variety of raffles for prizes.