District Special Education Parent Meeting Presenting at November's District Special Education Parent Meeting will be our own Speech Pathologist, Mrs. Mendoza and school psychologist, Mrs. Huynh. See the attached flyer for details.
RED RIBBON WEEK. Say NO to Drugs!!! Rio Vista is showing our character by saying NO TO DRUGS! Students may participate in this weeks spirit activities to show their support.
Chuck E Cheese Friends and Family Night! PTO will be hosting a Rio Vista family night on October 25 from 3-9 pm at the newly remodeled Chuck E. Cheese restaurant.
Great Southern California Shakeout Join millions of Californians in the largest earthquake drill of its kind. Participate on 10/20 @10:20 am!
Celebrate Charactercounts Week Monday! Each grade level will wear a color to represent a Charactercounts Pillar for Charactercounts Week!
Hispanic Outreach Taskforce Conference Parent Conference offered at Rio Hondo College. Contact Mr. Cochran for details.
Congratulations Summer Bridge Students! Summer Bridge students enjoy a rewarding day of games and fun.
PTA vs PTO The Regional PTA council will present on the differences between a PTA and PTO on Monday 10-3 at 6:00 pm.
Fresh and Easy way to donate to school! Rio Vista PTO is collecting Fresh and Easy Receipts for the Shop for Schools Program. Turn in your receipts totaling $20 or more to be counted towards our total.
Uniform Exchange Program is up and running! Gently used uniforms are made availble to students through the PTO.